Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I am forever changed by His mercy & grace………..

This past month, my church has been doing a series on No Perfect People. A lot of people think they could never go to church because church people are perfect people. But the truth of the matter is that we are all imperfect people and God’s grace & mercy extends to everyone. He desires a personal relationship with each and every one of us. The hope we have in Him is not necessarily that He will magically make all of our circumstances better, but that He is with us when we go through the fire and that we are loved and not alone. (Daniel 3:25) This series has been extremely powerful in dealing with addictions of all kinds, unforgiveness and healing. This past Sunday my story was shared by the video below. It is the story of a girl that was broken and who has been forever changed by His mercy and grace. It's the story of brokenness being turned into beauty. "You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do, so there could never be a more beautiful you!" More Beautiful You by Johnny Diaz

We live in a broken and hurting world. People search for healing, acceptance & love in everything they can find, and when they don’t find it in the things of this world, they feel hopeless. People need to know that there is hope with Christ and that He loves and accepts them just the way they are. In the United States alone, a person dies by suicide about every 16 minutes and an attempt is estimated to be made once every minute, with over 32,000 people dying by suicide every year.* Many people who are close to suicide or suicide attempts never tell anyone how hopeless they really feel on the inside. In the course of the day, with statistics as high as they are, you never know how many people you run into that are broken and hurting inside. Share Christ love today. It could forever change someone’s life!!

**based on figures from the National Center for Health Statistics for the year 2005